Monday, March 2, 2009

Digital Scrappin????

We would like to know if there is any interest in Digital Scrapbooking. We are thinking of incorporating digital events in to our class schedule. But we would like your feedback. Let us know if you would be interested in Digital Scrapbook classes.

Also, if you know someone who does digital scrapbooking, we now offer Wi Fi service during our "Snack N Scrap" nights. Now your friends can come and "scrap" with you. Please be sure to spread the word.


Sonshine Memories said...

Re: digital scrappin??? Full digital scrapbooking does not appeal to me in the least; meaning I would never prefer digital over traditional scrapbooking. I love everything about working with paper and embellishments, photos in the traditional sense of the word. If I want to share my pages on line (which I do - go to they're super easy to photograph, and even easier to post online. HOWEVER, there is one element of digital scrapbooking that does appeal to me, and that's the digital flourishes and other elements that I would love to add to my photos. I have books on the subject and have a basic knowledge, but it's easier for me to learn in a classroom situation. So thanks for asking! Love the store.

Anonymous said...

Digital scrapbooking is a mystery to me. I think it might be a way to share my family tree project, if I understand it right.

kim said...

Yes, I am interested in digital scrapbooking. I would most likely not go completely digital but I would like to learn how to do more electronically.

kim said...

Yes, I am interested in digital scrapbooking. I would most likely not go completely digital but I would like to learn how to do more electronically.